Compliments and Complaints

If you have a compliment or complaint about any of our services, then please contact us to tell us.

If you feel that you have had good service then please email us or send us a testimonial that we can show to new clients. We can anonymise testimonials where they are published.

If you wish to complain about our service then we have a complaints procedure which we would ask you to use. In the first instance, you should complain through our local procedure. If you are dissatisfied with the DDS internal adjudication, you can take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. All complaints must be lodged within three years of the act or omission that you wish to complain about (if you would have been aware of the issue within that time); or within six years (if you could not reasonably have been aware of the issue earlier). For a copy of our complaints policy, please click the following link:

DDS Complaints Policy.

DDS is a division of Trident Chambers.

More information

Complaints Process Explained

Complaints are initially handled in-house by Chambers (in the first instance), and can be referred to the legal ombudsman for further consideration. The BSB liaises with the Legal Ombudsman. Here is the step by step guide to making a complaint about the fees we charge.

Stage 1: If you have a complaint about the fees we have charged you should take the matter up with our clerks in the first instance.

Stage 2: If you are not satisfied with the resolution, you should use our complaints policy.

Stage 3: If you are unhappy with our complaint determination you can take the matter to the Legal Ombudsman.

See our complaints policy for more information about how to complain about the fees we charge, and for the contact details of the Legal Ombudsman.

See the Legal Ombudsman’s Decisions on lawyers generally. The legal ombudsman investigates complaints relating to the conduct of registered barristers and other regulated lawyers.

Complaints Time Limits:

You must complain to the Legal Ombudsman either within six years of a barrister’s actions/failure to act, or no later than three years after you should reasonably have known there were grounds to complain. You must also complain to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving your barrister’s final response to your complaint.

Barristers’ Register


We are regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB). You can confirm the practising status of barristers. See the: Barristers Register. You can also ask barristers for proof of identity. Beware of scams. People do masquerade as lawyers to steal monies and assets. Make sure you check their bona fides.