Sitemap for
Legal advice and legal representation for medical doctors
Navigate from here to any page on the Doctors Defence Service (DDS) website from this webpage. Or use our search facility to find the page or topic that you are looking for. If there is a topic you would like us to cover then do email us and let us know. DDS lawyers can be contacted without obligation on: 0800 10 88 739
- 'Dishonest' Doctors
- 'Misconduct' in GMC Cases
- 'Violent Doctors'
- A Doctor's 'Right to be Forgotten'
- About DDS
- Abuse of Process and Stays in GMC & MPTS Cases
- Affirmation in GMC MPTS Proceedings
- Alcohol Misuse by Doctors - The GMC's Legal Approach
- Anaesthesia Associate Representation at the GMC and MPTS
- Appeal Case Law: Fish v GMC (2012) Appeal
- Appeal Victory
- Appeals from GMC and MPTS Decisions
- Applying for a GMC Rule 12 Review of Decision
- Applying for a Postponement / Adjournment of a MPTS / GMC Hearing
- Applying for the Withdrawal of GMC MPT FTP Proceedings - Rule 28
- Articles on Recent Case Law - for Doctors
- Balance of Probabilities
- Balance of Probabilities Explained
- Best Interests Cases - Doctors' Decision Making
- Blog
- Can a doctor's name be anonymised in GMC proceedings?
- Care Quality Commission (CQC) Law for Doctors
- Case Law (Private Content)
- Commercial Law & NHS Practice Law for Doctors
- Compliance
- Compliments and Complaints
- Contact us
- Contents of a Character Testimonial [GMC/MPTS Cases]
- Contract Law for Doctors
- Criminal Law Representation for Medical Doctors
- David Welch (Mobile Friendly Page)
- DDS Equal Opportunities Policy
- Direct Access Barrister for GMC MPTS Cases
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Decisions and Appeals
- Doctors & Mandatory CQC Registration for Aesthetic Work
- Doctors Acting as Expert Witnesses
- Doctors and Employer Level Disciplinary Investigations
- Doctors and Misuse of Drugs
- Doctors and Police Station Interviews
- Doctors in the News
- Doctors Meetings at the GMC
- Doctors UK Legal Forum
- Doctors' Apologies in GMC Cases
- Doctors' Plagiarism
- Doctors' Testimonials and Defamation or Malice Claims
- Doctors, Convictions, Cautions, Civil Case Criticism & The GMC
- Doctors, Inquests & Prevention of Future Deaths
- Doctors: Sexting and Flirting with Patients
- Does DDS work with a doctor's Solicitor?
- Employment Law for Doctors
- Exclusion from Work in the NHS [A Guide for Doctors]
- Experts in GMC Cases
- Extreme Pornography Possession and Doctors
- FAQs about Doctors Defence Service
- Can I speak to a DDS lawyer without commitment?
- Can I use DDS for just part of my case?
- GMC / MPTS IOT Hearings - Does DDS provide legal help?
- GMC Appeals - Does DDS help doctors to appeal GMC/MPTS decisions?
- GMC Health Cases - Does DDS provide legal assistance?
- GMC Law - Can DDS assist with all aspects of GMC Law?
- GMC MPTS FTP Cases - Does DDS represent doctors at FTP hearings?
- How do I instruct a specialist lawyer at DDS?
- How experienced is DDS in GMC / MPTS defence law?
- How quickly can I see a Doctors Defence Service lawyer?
- Legal Aid in GMC / MPTS FTP IOT Cases and Appeals
- Our Fees: How much do the services of DDS lawyers cost?
- Form of Witness Statement in GMC Cases
- Further Guidance on Reflective Writing in GMC / MPT Cases
- GMC / MPT Fitness To Practise (FTP) Tribunal Hearing Representation
- GMC / MPTS Interim Orders (IOT) Hearings Representation
- GMC and Data Access Requests
- GMC and MPTS Representative - Defence Lawyers for Doctors
- GMC and Regulatory Appeal Cases Index
- GMC CESR & CEGPR Appeals, Reviews, Applications Representation
- GMC Conditions of Practice
- GMC Deficient Professional Performance
- GMC Health Cases
- GMC Investigations
- GMC Law
- GMC Law: Second Opinion
- GMC MPTS Interim Orders Hearings (IOT) Case Law
- GMC MPTS Review Hearings
- GMC MPTS Sanctions Guidance
- GMC Performance Assessment Law
- GMC Provisional Enquiry
- GMC Publications: FTP Hearings, IOT Hearings & Registrations
- GMC Registration Law
- GMC Registration Law Update 2021
- GMC Representation
- GMC Rules and Statutory Codes
- GMC UK Consultations
- GMC Undertakings
- GMC Warnings
- GMC/MPTS Non-Compliance Hearings
- Good Medical Practice - GMC Code of Conduct for Doctors
- GP Partnership Law - Legal Advice and Legal Representation
- Guidance for Doctors
- How to check a UK Doctor's Registration
- HPAN Alert Letters in the NHS - Information for Doctors
- Impairment of Fitness to Practise
- Indemnity Insurance for GMC Regulated Doctors
- Inquest Case Law for Doctors
- Inquest Representation for Doctors
- Instructing a Defence Expert in GMC Cases
- Instructing DDS Counsel
- LADO Decisions and Doctors
- Law
- Lee Gledhill (Mobile Friendly Page)
- Legal Advice for Doctors - including Our Urgent Legal Advice Service
- Legal Assessor - Case Law in GMC Cases
- Legal Representation for GP Practices: CQC Regulation and Appeals
- Legal Services for Doctors
- Libel Claims by Doctors
- London Office of Doctors Defence Service
- Maintaining High Professional Standards (MHPS) Law
- Manchester Office of Doctors Defence Service
- Medical Performers List - Primary Health Lists: Law and Hearings
- Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service (MPTS) Defence Law
- Medical Student Fitness to Practise Hearings at Universities
- MPT Tribunals are Inquisitorial [GMC Law]
- MPTS Hearings - What to Expect
- MPTS Representation
- MPTS Tribunals: Duty to Give Reasons for Decisions
- National Disqualification: Primary Health Lists Tribunal
- New Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service to Hear Cases from 2012
- News from Doctors Defence Service
- News Index
- NHS Counter Fraud Investigations
- NHSE Performance Advisory Group (PAG) Law
- Our DDS Offices
- Penny Maudsley (Mobile Friendly Page)
- Personal Development Plans (PDP) in GMC MPTS Cases
- Physician Associate Representation at the GMC and MPTS
- Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon Legal Representation
- PLDP & PAG Representation
- Police Interviews with Doctors who are Not Suspects
- Practitioner Performance Advice (previously NCAS) Law
- Previous GMC/MPTS Restoration Hearing Decisions
- Professional Values Discussions with Colleagues
- Proportionality in GMC Cases
- Psychiatric Assessments arranged by the General Medical Council
- Racial Harassment During Training [Law Relevant to Clinicians]
- Racially Aggravated Conduct of Doctors
- Reflective Writing in GMC Cases - Showing Insight
- Regulatory Case Law - General Medical Council (GMC) & MPTS Law
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act - Exceptions for Medical Practitioners
- Remediation
- Remote Consultations (Telemedicine) and the GMC
- Representation of Medical Doctors in Criminal Cases
- Restoration to the GMC Register
- Retrospective Medical Note Entries and Doctors
- Revalidation Appeals
- Scams
- Sexual Harassment and Doctors
- Sheila Aly (Mobile Friendly Page)
- Should I attend my GMC/MPTS Hearing? [Information for Doctors in 2023]
- Sitemap for
- Specialist Lawyers for Medical Doctors - GMC MPTS Law, Employment Law, Partnerships, Regulatory Law
- Stay Well Plans in GMC Cases
- Stephen Page (Mobile Friendly Page)
- Student Physician Associates: University Fitness to Practice Proceedings
- Terms of Use of this Website and DDS Services
- Testimonials about DDS
- Testimonials about Lawyer Lee Gledhill of DDS
- Testimonials About Lawyer Penny Maudsley
- The Citation of Other GMC/MPTS FTP Decisions on Appeal
- The Prohibition on Virginity Testing by UK Doctors
- The Statutory Overarching Objective of the Medical Act 1983
- UK DDS Office Locations
- Useful Resources for Doctors
- Voluntary Erasure
- Welcome to Doctors Defence Service
- What is Fitness to Practise?
- What is the Invited Review Mechanism (IRM) for Doctors?
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