FAQs about Doctors Defence Service
On this page, we seek to answer some of the questions you may have about Doctors Defence Service (DDS) in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section. If the answer to your question does not appear below, our clerks or barristers may able to answer your questions. You can ask a question on any matter concerning doctors regulatory and legal responsibilities or the law governing doctors, a commercial or personal matter.
Scroll down to see further information and FAQs on our speciality areas of legal practice.
General FAQs:
FAQs on DDS Services relating to GMC Law:
- Can DDS assist with all aspects of GMC law?
- Does DDS help doctors appeal GMC decisions?
- Can I use DDS for just part of my GMC case?
- Can I obtain legal aid to cover GMC defence work?
- How experienced is DDS in GMC defence law?
- Does DDS provide help with interim orders (IOTs)?
- Does DDS assist doctors with fitness to practise (FTP) cases?
- Does DDS assist doctors with health related GMC cases?
- Does DDS assist doctors with GMC revalidation?
- Does DDS assist doctors with GMC registration
FAQs on DDS Services relating to other Medico-Legal Matters:
- Can DDS assist doctors with Employment Law matters?
- Can DDS assist doctors with Clinical Negligence Claims?
- Can DDS assist doctors with Inquests?
- Can DDS assist doctors with GP and other Partnership disputes?
- Can DDS help doctors during criminal offence investigations?
- Can DDS help doctors and practices with CQC and CiW concerns?
- Can DDS assist me to be anonymised in GMC cases?
To discuss any legal matter with a specialist lawyer at Doctors Defence Service, call in confidence, without obligation, on: 0800 10 88 739
A Word of Caution: There is now a number organisations and lawyers that claim to have the relevant experience and expertise to represent doctors in a variety of legal forums, especially before the GMC. Whether or not a doctor chooses to use Doctors Defence Service, we would recommend that doctors ensure that the organisation they use has a track record in representing doctors. DDS has on numerous occasions been instructed by doctors who are justifiably unhappy with their previous legal defence arrangement. Doctors on occasions have asked DDS to take over their case, which we are happy to do in most instances.
On some occasions DDS lawyers have had to appeal cases because of poor representation by other organisations or lawyers, who have caused a detriment to the doctor through poor research, poor drafting, or poor representation. Where DDS takes over a case, it is not possible in all cases to overcome the damage that has been caused by previous legal representatives. It is therefore of paramount importance to get things right from the outset. It is often difficult for a doctor to assess a particular organisation or lawyer’s abilities when shopping around. At Doctors Defence Service we can demonstrate a track record in the field of regulatory, civil, and criminal law. Our lawyers represent doctors across the UK in a variety of legal specialisms and have a particular strength in GMC law. Our lawyers frequently appear in published cases. To see whether DDS is the best fit for you, call us on 0800 10 88 739 to discuss your legal issue, in confidence, without obligation.