Contract Law for Doctors

Contract Law and DoctorsContract Law for UK Doctors

Doctors enter numerous contracts during their training and career. Contracts may be verbal or in writing. Disputes arise over both types of contract. It is better to have a written record of the terms and conditions of the contract that have been agreed, but that is not always possible.

Contracts with patients, the NHS, employers and employees, commissioning groups, private companies, clinics and GP practices, can all be a minefield for the unwary doctor. If you are a doctor: a) entering into a contract, b) in breach of a contract, or c) looking to interpret the terms and conditions of a contract of your own or another person (including restrictive covenants), you would be wise to consult a specialist lawyer.

Here at Doctors Defence Service we can assist doctors in the drafting of contracts, the interpretation of contracts, and legal action concerning contracts. If you have a contract law matter that you would like to discuss with Doctors Defence Service, use our Contact Form to arrange a call back, or give us a call on: 0800 10 88 739

Case Law on Contracts concerning Doctors

Restrictive Covenants: Prophet Plc v Huggett [2014] EWHC 615 (Ch) – A 12 month restrictive covenant was held to be enforceable. (March 2014)

Contract Dispute (GP Property): Khurana v North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group & Anor [2022] EWHC 384 (Admin) – judicial review claim (by a patient) relating to the change of control of a holding company and its impact on others. Claim. dismissed on merits. Relief refused. (February 2022)