Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service (MPTS) Defence Law
The Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service (MPTS) commenced work on 11 June 2012, pursuant to statutory legislation, following a lengthy consultation. Further legislation will be implemented from 2013 onwards that will enable the tribunal to operate independently from the GMC, while still remaining part of the overall GMC infrastructure. Doctors Defence Service has already defended doctors before the new MPTS tribunal service and provides doctors with a full legal representation and advice service. see our MPTS / GMC Representation page for more details of the legal services we can provide to doctors.
There are many proposed changes to the current Fitness to Practise Process and Registration Process in the pipeline but the current GMC processes will remain in place for some time to come, albeit the new MPTS service has taken over the adjudication role from the GMC. The new processes, when they are rolled out, will make some significant changes to the way doctors will be invited to engage in the process. For more details, see the new MPTS website at and on other pages on the Doctors Defence Service website.
To discuss a Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service (MPTS) / GMC legal matter, in confidence and without obligation, with specialist lawyers trained in MPTS law, call Doctors Defence Service on 0800 10 88 739