Physician Associate Representation at the GMC and MPTS
Registered Physician Associate Legal Representation and Legal Advice
Physician Associates, a new profession to be regulated by the GMC, can face fitness to practise proceedings at University during training, or at the GMC (once qualified) – similar to the proceedings that qualified medical doctors may face.
Advice and Representation in Physician Associate GMC Fitness to Practise Proceedings
Once qualified, a Registered Physician Associate is subject to the GMC’s code of conduct, and they can face fitness to practise allegations in the same way that a qualified doctor can. Many of our pages relating to doctors will be relevant to Physician Associates who are going through fitness to practice or other processes. See our overview of GMC procedures and how we assist doctors: GMC Representation
Advice and Representation in Physician Associate University Level Fitness to Practice Proceedings
The GMC requires organisations that train Physician Associates to not permit anyone to graduate with a registrable qualification, if their fitness to practise is demonstrably impaired. As a consequence, training organisations will bring fitness to practise proceedings against physician associate students where there is cogent evidence of unsuitability to continue with their training. See our dedicated page on how we assist Student Physician Associates: Student Physician Associates: University Fitness to Practice Proceedings
Doctors Defence Service advises and represents Registered Physician Associates in University, GMC and MPTS proceedings, employment level disciplinary hearings, appeal hearings, and grievance hearings. For more information, contact Doctors Defence Service on 0800 10 88 739