Articles on Recent Case Law – for Doctors
In this section, our lawyers publish articles on subjects relevant to legal aspects of UK medical practice, case law relevant to medicine, and legal topics of general interest to isoctors. Our lawyers also speak at public events and seminars on topics relevant to doctors (Registered Medical Practitioners) in UK practice.
- Racially Aggravated Conduct of Doctors (September 2024)
- Doctors, Freedom of Expression, and Social Media (March 2024)
- Doctors and UK Criminal Offences for Virginity Testing and Hymenoplasty (November 2023)
- Telemedicine, Remote Consultations and the GMC’s and CQC’s Approach (June 2023)
- MPTS Tribunals and Decision Making Duties – Scope of Reasons (April 2023)
- Best Interest Decisions – Case Law Digest (February 2023)
- Applying for a Postponement / Adjournment of a MPTS / GMC Hearing (January 2022)
- Racial Harassment: Slurs During Training [Law Relevant to Clinicians] (October 2021)
- Doctors: Sexting and Flirting with Patients – Regulatory Risks (September 2021)
- NHS Exclusions From Work – A Guide for Doctors (September 2021)
- GMC Applications to the High Court to Extend Interim Orders (May 2020)
- How to Challenge a Coroners Unlawful Remarks (February 2020)
- NHS Counter Fraud Authority Prosecutions of Doctors – False CVs (February 2020)
- Doctors’ Records: Oral v Documentary Evidence – Which is Better? (February 2020)
- Doctors are Entitled to Reporting Restriction Orders (RROs) in End of Life Cases (January 2020)
- Doctors and Police Interviews: The Process Explained (August 2019)
- Doctors have a Right to be Forgotten in Online Search Engine Listings (January 2019)
- GMC Provisional Enquiries Explained (October 2018)
- Whistleblowing and Employment Law (November 2017)
- Can a Doctor Practise Medicine While on the Sex Offenders Register? (October 2017)
- Tooth Whitening and Doctors (August 2017)
- Expert Witness Doctors Can Be Subject to GMC Misconduct Proceedings (March 2017)
- Return to Work Plans for Doctors (February 2017)
- How to Avoid GMC Warnings (February 2017)
- Double Jeopardy? GMC ‘Prosecutes’ Doctors Acquitted of Crimes (January 2016)
- Doctors and Domestic Violence – the Approach of the GMC (September 2015)
- Inquests can Damage a Doctor’s Reputation (April 2015)
- Doctors must Truly Be an Expert to Avoid Misconduct Proceedings (February 2015)
- Doctors in the News (September 2014)
- Doctors and Child Pornography (July 2014)
- What is ‘Fitness to Practise’? (October 2013)
- Gross Negligence Manslaughter and Doctors (January 2013)
- End of Life Care, Treatment and Case Law (March 2013)
- Doctors Who Act as Expert Witnesses May be Subject to GMC/MPTS Misconduct Proceedings if they are Reckless or Incompetent (October 2012)
- Malicious Testimonials Given to Doctors (October 2012)
- Data Protection Law and Doctors (October 2012)
- Sexually Inappropriate Doctors (August 2012)
- Doctors Obliged to Disclose Convictions & Cautions, & Regulators’ Decisions to GMC (August 2012)
- MPTS Takes Over Adjudication Role from GMC (June 2012)
- Dishonest Doctors and the Law (May 2012)
- Gender based Abortions or Medical Opinion Formed in Good Faith? (February 2012)
- Restraint of Patients – When Doctors Get it Wrong, Should the Police be Called? (February 2012)
- Doctors At Risk of Erasure if GMC Conditions of Practice are Breached (November 2011)
- No Immunity from Suit for Clinical Expert Witnesses – Duty of Care Owed to Party Calling Expert (July 2011)
- Time Limits to Lodge an Appeal Notice (in relation to a GMC Sanction Decision) are Strict [28 Days Time Limit] (July 2011)
- GMC Should Call Witness (Instead of Relying on Hearsay Evidence) so as to Ensure a ‘Fair Trial’ (June 2011)
- Doctors Have No Right to Anonymity When Acting as an Expert (May 2011)
- Immunity from Suit for Complainants to the GMC (April 2011)
View Our Other Regulatory Case Law Summaries pages for older cases.
Also, view our Employment Law Case Summaries page.
See further our Inquest Law Case Summaries page.
And our Clinical Negligence Law Case Summaries page.
If you are a doctor seeking legal advice in relation the interpretation of a particular case and how it might relate to your situation or are looking for a speaker for an event, call Doctors Defence Service on 0800 10 88 739. Alternatively, use our Contact Form to receive a call back, without obligation.