How experienced is DDS in GMC / MPTS defence law?

GMC FTP IOT Legal Experience of DDSThe lawyers at Doctors Defence Service (DDS) regularly appear before the GMC / MPTS FTP and IOT panels. DDS lawyers have practised for many years in the field of regulatory law. Our lawyers, between them, have defended more than 1200 registered practitioners over more than a decade.

The DDS legal team is led by Barrister Lee Gledhill, who has personally represented over 1000 registered practitioners over the last twenty three years. In the last ten years he has focussed on defending doctors who face interim orders and fitness to practise proceedings before the GMC / MPTS, and advising on law that affects doctors (crime, civil and employment law). Lee Gledhill is also a registered nurse; he practised clinically for many years in both the NHS and private sector before becoming a barrister. Lee Gledhill has significant experience of appeals in the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Barrister Penny Maudlsey has defended many doctors before the GMC / MPTS and on appeal from GMC decisions. Penny has also represented practitioners from overseas who seek registration in the UK. She is a qualified midwife.

Barrister David Welch worked for a medical defence organisation prior to joining Doctors Defence Service. He regularly advises doctors in relation to GMC / MPTS legal matters.

See the rest of our team: Lawyers at Doctors Defence Service

To discuss your GMC / MPTS FTP, IOT, Restoration or Registration case with an experienced regulatory law lawyer, call in confidence, without obligation on: 0800 10 88 739

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