“A strong & reliable advocate in GMC / MPTS law & doctors’ law.”
Lee Gledhill is a medico-legal advisor and lead counsel at Doctors Defence Service. He is a highly experienced barrister specialising in GMC / MPTS regulatory defence law. He also a highly experienced advocate in the regulatory defence law field, having practised in the area for over 20 years. He represents both doctors and other healthcare practitioners before their regulators. He has acted in over 1000 fitness to practise cases to date and a number of appeals in the High Court and Court of Appeal. He defends doctors who are charged by the GMC with misconduct, performance issues, ill-health matters, and those doctors who have criminal convictions or cautions. He also advises on restoration to the GMC register. Lee Gledhill is both an advocate and litigator, which means that he can appear in courts and tribunals to represent clients, as well as lodge and manage civil law claims and criminal cases.
He provides various legal services to doctors, which include providing legal advice and representation in a variety of clinical specialisms and legal fields in the UK. He additionally represents doctors in other areas of law, including: clinical negligence, inquest law, partnership law, employment law, CQC law, GMC/MPTS Appeals and Judicial Review law. Lee Gledhill initially qualified as a registered nurse, before qualifying as a barrister. He has worked in clinical practice in both the NHS and the private sector. He is therefore well placed to understand the culture and expectations of working in either environment, and the pressures that doctors are placed under. He also sits on regulatory tribunals, so brings his experience of those roles to bear on cases he appears in.
Lee Gledhill is both an Advocate and Litigator.
Read Testimonials on Lee Gledhill
Lee Gledhill of Counsel has a track record in defending doctors of all grades and specialisms. He has represented senior consultants, registrars, specialists, surgeons, medical physicians, psychiatrists, middle grade doctors and those at House Officer and; Senior House Officer levels (including FY1 and FY2 trainees) in a variety of cases concerning both professional work-based clinical allegations and private life allegations.
Lee Gledhill has represented doctors who have faced a variety of allegations who have come through the process to continue in clinical practice. Doctors who instruct a lawyer usually wish to retain their medical registration and Lee Gledhill will advise on the steps that need to be taken in order to seek to maximise a doctors prospects of success.
Lee Gledhill has acted in more than one thousand fitness to practise cases. He defends doctors at GMC hearings held in Manchester and London, and anywhere else that the GMC / MPTS chooses to sit to hear a case. He looks after clients who reside across the UK or around the globe. Lee Gledhill represents doctors at interim orders hearings (IOT) and fitness to practise hearings (FTP). He also advises on restoration to the GMC Register. He will advise doctors in face to face conferences and by way of videolink or teleconferencing. He fits around doctors’ schedules and is able to see doctors during weekdays, weekends and evenings.
Lee Gledhill advises doctors on the GMC / MPTS Fitness to Practise FTP and interim orders tribunal IOT legal processes, on issues relating to evidence, on and oral written submissions, on the remedial steps that a doctor should take to demonstrate competence, and on the witnesses, including expert witnesses, that the doctor should call. Doctors Defence Service can interview witnesses (to obtain witness statements) and prepare bundles for hearings and submissions. Alternatively, Lee Gledhill can advise on applications for Voluntary Erasure (VE).
Lee Gledhill regularly defends doctors before the GMC, and his recent defence cases have included allegations of:
- Allegations of clinical misconduct
- Driving offences, domestic abuse, rape
- Inappropriate sexual relationships with patients
- Incompetence in relation to prescribing
- Dishonest acts and omissions
- Surgical errors and oversights
- Recreational drug use
- Causing Death by Accident or Gross Negligence
- Fraudulent Retrospective Clinical Note Entries
- Absence from work without leave
- Attitudinal problems and insensitivity
- Misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose
- Plagiarism and academic fraud
- Failure to respect patients’ wishes
- Moonlighting while on sick leave
- Failure to attend a serious clinical incident
- Data Protection & Confidentiality Failures
- Impairment due to ill-health
See our guidance pages on interim orders tribunals (IOT), Fitness to Practise hearings (FTP), Revalidation, submissions to case examiners at the Rule 7 Stage of GMC proceedings, GMC appeals.
Additional Medico-Regulatory, Criminal Law and Civil Law Specialisms
Lee Gledhill has wide experience in representing doctors and other healthcare practitioners over many years in a variety of medico-regulatory cases, including: Performers List inclusions, suspensions, conditions and removals law, clinical negligence law, aspects of employment law (including NHS and private practice disciplinary hearings, misconduct allegations, grievances, appeals, inquiries), CQC law, GP consortia law, inquest law, appeals law, judicial review law, partnership law, GMC law, and civil and criminal law. Lee Gledhill has prosecuted and defenced in criminal trials and sentencing. He has acted in criminal cases concerning sexual offences, homicide, arson, fraud, rogue public servants. He has acted in civil cases relating to NHS and private commercial and contract law, certain type of damages claims, and partnership disputes.
To read testimonials about Lee Gledhill from previous clients, click: Testimonials
To read about Lee Gledhill’s success in the Court of Appeal, visit: Appeal Victory
To speak to Lee Gledhill in confidence or to make an appointment to see him, call us on: 0800 10 88 739