GMC Publications: FTP Hearings, IOT Hearings & Registrations

The General Medical Council (GMC) publishes a number of documents that concern the regulatory processes. Some of the following (external) links lead to documents that may be useful to doctors and their solicitors, lawyers, or barristers:

GMC Publications List

Sanctions Guidance GMC/MPTS

Conditions Bank (GMC/MPTS)

GMC MPTS Undertakings Bank

Glossary of Terms (Conditions and Undertakings)

Good Medical Practice 2024 (pdf)

GMC Warnings Guidance (pdf)

Doctors Defence Service advises doctors in relation to the interpretation of GMC policies, and provides legal representation to doctors appearing before the GMC and MPTS. Call us on 0800 10 88 739 for more information or for an infomal chat about how we might assist you.