The GMC has launched a consultation to examine how it conducts fitness to practise cases. The consultation is called Reform of the fitness to practise procedures at the GMC – Changes to the way we deal with cases at the end of an investigation and will run until 13 June 2011. The GMC proposes to introduce a new procedure which aims to cut down on the number and length of hearings that are held each year at significant cost. As an alternative to the current approach, the GMC is proposing that there be much greater discussion with doctors, that they be informed of the proposed sanction that is considered to best fit the evidence and the necessary regulatory response of the regulator, giving the doctor the opportunity to accept or not the proposal. Where a doctor does not accept the proposal, the doctor would then have a right to a hearing into the matter to be heard by an independent tribunal. To read more about the GMC consultation visit: GMC Consultation on End of Investigation [Link to external website, operated by the General Medical Council.]
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