Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon Legal Representation

Law for Plastic Surgeons - Clinical Negligence Law, GMC Law, Media Law Libel Defamation

Aesthetics Law

Plastic Surgeons (Cosmetic Surgeons) perfom many hundreds if not thousands of surgical procedures and cosmetic interventions each year. Each procedure carries with it, of course, clinical risks. Yet time and again patients fail to appreciate the risks and are dismayed when the outcome is not to their liking, even though they were properly consented and advised by the plastic surgeon that there is no such thing as guaranteed results. Many clinical negligence claims arise from such situations, and on occasions plastic surgeons find that they have been reported to the General Medical Council (GMC).

GMC Law for Plastic Surgeons

Cosmetic Surgeon Representation at GMC MPTS and in Civil Compensation Claims

Complaints vary but many include allegations that “horrible scarring” was caused by the surgeon, that the patient acquired an infection (with the implication that the surgeon has been performed surgery inappropriately), and some complain about a “lack of symmetry” in the final result. While things can occasionally go wrong, most complaints are unfounded. nevertheless, such allegations can be costly to surgeons in both time and money, in defending their good reputation. Some complainants are particularly unpleasant in their approach, not caring whether their allegations are distorted or exaggerated.

Here at Doctors Defence Service, we have represented plastic surgeons in GMC misconduct proceedings and in civil clinical negligence claims for damages (compensation). We also give legal advice on reputational risk and how to deal with the media, on occasions arranging for stories to be corrected before publication. Many cosmetic surgeons can be damaged by an unfair newspaper report that describes them as a “butcher” and good press handling can benefit many surgeons’ practices. In some instances we have managed to keep stories out of the press altogether.

To discuss any legal matter arising in the areas of aesthetics law, or cosmetic / plastic surgical practice, call us on 0800 10 88 739