Does DDS work with a doctor’s Solicitor?

DDS can assist Solicitors who advise Medical DoctorsDoctors Defence Service lawyers can work with doctors directly or with a doctor and their solicitor, to advance a doctor’s case in any of the legal areas in which we specialise. Our lawyers are regularly instructed by solicitors to advise the doctor and the solicitor on the steps that a doctor ought to take so as to develop their defence case. Our lawyers can attend solicitors’ offices to advise the solicitor and the doctor in any legal matter in which we specialise, including, GMC law, criminal law, civil and commercial law, inquest law and CQC law.

If you are a doctor looking for legal assistance (with or without a solicitor), our lawyers will be able to assist you. If you are a solicitor, please feel free to speak to our barristers about your case to see how they might assist you.

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To discuss any matter with a lawyer at Doctors Defence Service, whether you are a doctor or a solicitor then do call us without obligation on: 0800 10 88 739

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